السلام علیکم و رحمة الله بركاته
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Re: End of School Year 2021-2022
I am writing to inform you that we have come to the end of the Academic School Year for 2021-2022. It has been a joyous, wonderful year with many delightful moments with our new students and new staff.
We will be breaking up at 12:00pm on Friday 22nd of July 2022 for the summer holidays until Tuesday 6th September 2022. The first day back will be from Wednesday 7th September 2022.
Please ensure that your child is picked up at 12:00pm on Friday 22nd July 2022.
Please make Dua for Hafs Academy and we hope you have a peaceful holiday and look forward to seeing you all in the new academic year.
Thank you
Hafs Academy
0208 555 4260
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