Monthly Archives: March 2021

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Parents Day Announcement

Dear Parents/ Guardian,

Hafs Academy is pleased to invite you to Parents Day, where you will get the opportunity to talk to subject teachers. We will be holding two Parents Days (please see table below).

There will be no school for pupils on these days.

Please try your best to attend and discuss relevant issues with your child’s teacher. Due to the situation, we face today, we will ask parents to come in according to an allocated day and time (please see below). Please do not enter the school unless it is your appointed time.

Key Stage 3 – – Monday 29th March 2021

Year 7 – 10 – 11am
Year 8 – 11am – 12:30pm
Year 9 – 12:30 – 1:30pm

Key Stage 4 – Tuesday 30th March 2021

Year 10 – 10 – 11:45am
Year 11 – 12 – 1:30pm

If these dates are inconvenient for you, but you still wish to speak to your child’s teachers, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

JazakumAllahu Khairan

Kazi Hussain

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School Hours

Dear Parents

All year groups have been given their school timetable.

School starts at 7:30am, and

ends at 2pm monday – thursday, and 1:30pm on friday.

We have also given out the consent form for the Lateral Flow Testing. Please confirm if you give consent for testing to be done. This is a simple procedure and we have taken thorough measures to ensure the test is done safely and smoothly.

If you do not give consent please state this clearly on the form.

Jazakumullahu Khairan

Hafs Academy

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Lateral Flow Testing

As part of the return to school, all students and staff will be offered three School rapid tests using Lateral Flow Devices (LFD)s.

Please read the letters attached below for further details regarding our LFT process at school.

Please sign the consent form slip and return it to Hafs Academy by Tuesday 9th March 2021.

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Returning to School 9th March 2021

This letter is to confirm where we are up to with our planning for returning to school.

– Students will return onsite at Hafs Academy on Tuesday 9th of March
– All year groups must be tested three times for Covid in school using lateral flow tests before home testing begins.
– We will continue with the formalities that we had in place before the December Holidays.

Please read the letter attached above with further details regarding our return to school.

JazakumAllahu Khairan

Hafs Academy

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School Mid-Term Reports

Mid-Term Reports have been sent out to all (year 7 – year 10) students at their Hafs Academy email addresses.

If you have any queries please contact ustad J Alom at –

JazakumAllahu khairan

Hafs Academy